Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

Christmas is such a busy time for all of us. Let's take time to think about others this year & not just ourselves. Donate to a charity, call a lonely friend or even apologize to someone you may have wronged along the way. Do these things for yourself, it will benefit you more than them.

Every year I try to make a small donation to charities that help children. There are so many kids out there who depend on these charities to provide them with a gift. It really doesn't take much time to buy a small toy & drop it off. If you don't have time for that, send money. One can never tell what small thing they do will change a life.

We all have a relative or a friend that we avoid talking to. Get over it at Christmas. Don't let anyone or anything take away the fun of this holiday. It's like leaving your money laying around, someone will steal it if you let them. Instead of avoiding people, reach out to them. Give them a nice memory of you as a present.

Apologies, not something I enjoy giving out, but sometimes I have to. Is it time for you to apologize to someone? Do it at Christmas. I can name many people I'd love to have that gift from. In fact, I can even name a few I need to give that gift to. Maybe I will.

These three things are all part of my plan to have a better Christmas this year. We all spend too much, eat too much & generally overindulge this time of year. I'm going to try to overindulge in good things if I can.